Best way to Regain Shoulder & Arm Movement is Shoulder Replacement Surgery with Dr. Milind Merchant
Dr. Merchant is trained in Shoulder replacement surgery from the very best centres around the world and in India.
Shoulder replacement is required generally for patients who have had irreparable cuff tear in the shoulder, or osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint.
In Shoulder replacement Surgery, Dr Milind Merchant removes the damaged ends of arm bone and shoulder scapular bone and replaces it with artificial smooth parts of imported metal and alloy which help regain free joint movements. The torn and damaged ligaments are also repaired and reconstructed.

In Shoulder replacement Surgery, Dr Milind Merchant removes the damaged ends of arm bone and shoulder scapular bone and replaces it with artificial smooth parts of imported metal and alloy which help regain free joint movements. The torn and damaged ligaments are also repaired and reconstructed.
The results of Shoulder Replacement Surgery are much better than then expected. Patients can regain their hand function sooner and resume day to day activities faster and confidently.
Complex fractures of the shoulder which cannot be fixed also sometimes require Shoulder replacement surgery.
Dr. Milind Merchant has managed fractures of shoulder due to accidents or osteoporosis by doing a successful shoulder replacement.